That’s how I felt.
The buzzer went.
It signaled the end of the game.
But much more than that – it was the end of our season.
The hundreds of hours of hard work, practice and rehabilitation, finished. Just like that.

If you’ve been following on with my football journey, you’ll know that my team, the Souths Logan Magpies, made it to the finals for the first time in 6 years.
And we had our elimination final against the Sunshine Coast on Sunday just gone.
Unfortunately, we lost.
That means that my goal for winning a grand final will have to wait another year.
I’ve ridden the rollercoaster of emotions this week – proud of our effort, disappointed in the result, grateful for the group of guys I got to play with yet shattered that we couldn’t go all the way.
But you know what?
In every loss, there’s always lessons to be found.
And this loss is no different.
In this week’s video, I share the 3 questions I ask myself whenever I suffer from a setback.
It helps me process things and reminds me of what’s most important in life.
I thought I’d share these questions with you, as I’m sure there have been/will be times where life tests you and you’ll be searching for a way to make sense of it all.