We chatted a few weeks ago about priorities, and how I’ve learnt what’s most important to me over the years.  

We all have different priorities in ilfe, and what’s important for one person might not necessarily be that important to another. 

So what happens when you’re sharing your life with someone who doesn’t really value the same things you do?

What happens if: 

  • You love spending the weekend with your extended family, but your partner wants you all to themselves?
  • You love staying home, but your partner is an outdoors person?
  • You love reading books, but your partner prefers to watch Netflix instead?

Well, you talk it over and you work out a compromise, don’t you?

The same goes for food and exercise related differences.

If you’re struggling to help your partner understand your healthy way of life, or if you’re finding it challenging to fit in workouts/food prep into your schedule as a couple, then this week’s Transformation Tip is for you!

Rach and I share some simple things we do to ensure we’re both getting what we need to get done each week in order for us both to be fulfilled and happy!