“I wish I looked like her.”nI can’t count the number of times I’ve said this to myself in my lifetime.nBut when I uttered those words a few days ago, I became immediately aware of what I said. It’s like the sentence reached out and slapped me in the face. Did I actually just wish that I looked like someone else? That I didn’t want to be myself, I wanted to look like another human being instead?nYep, that just happened. Ladies (and gentlemen!), have you ever said those words to yourself? Ever wanted to look like/be like/have what other people have?nWell, I had a bit of a “lightbulb moment” this week, and I’d like to share it with you. Here is why saying, “I wish I looked like her” is just plain crazy! Reason #1: We are two totally different people! No two people are the same. We all have a different genetic make up, different backgrounds and different lifestyles. What I do in a day, the amount of sleep I get, the food I eat, the exercise I do, the way my body metabolises food – the combination of these factors is unique to me.nReason #2: We have very different goals. The person I was comparing myself to competes in body shaping competitions. Do I want to compete in body shaping competitions? Hell no! Standing on stage in little clothing and being judged on how symmetrical the right side of my body is to the left doesn’t appeal to me in the slightest! Maybe, rather than wanting to be “just like” this other woman, I can just appreciate the amazing effort and commitment it took for her to get on to the stage. I don’t need to be her. Reason #3: I’m fine just the way I am.nEver since having Isabella, I have found a new found confidence in my body and what it can do. Sure, I have a few extra lumps and bumps, but hey, I grew and gave birth to a human! But even if I wasn’t a mum, aren’t there plenty of reasons to appreciate my body? I mean, I experience the world around me with my body and it’s the only place I have to live – so shouldn’t we ALL be grateful for what we have? I’ve found there is a definite difference between aspiring to be like someone else and wanting to actually be them. We can all learn from the successful people around us, but there’s no need to make ourselves exactly like someone else. For example, I have access to the same tools that this body shaper has, in the way that we believe in the same principles of Metabolic Precision. I can learn from and appreciate the way she structures her workouts and the food she eats. However, because I have different goals to her and the fact that we lead very different lives, I will go about it in a slightly different way and as a result, end up in a different place. And that’s ok. So do I really wish I was like her? No. I applaud her for what she’s done. But I’m just fine the way I am…. Apples and oranges – different fruits, both of them special in their own way 🙂 The Metabolic Precision program is ideal for anyone at any age and fitness level. The principles in the program can be contoured to any particular goal, producing lasting results! If you have a goal you’d like to achieve this summer, check out our Online Nutrition program – learn about how to create a body you can be proud of at your own pace and in the comfort of your own home, with an exclusive online mentor. Plus, get in now and you can save $300!