The best laid plans don’t always come to fruition, do they?

I was reminded of that fact this week.

We get the keys to our new studio from Monday next week, and so there’s lots to organise!

Our flooring was due to arrive next week, but I got a phone call yesterday, saying that it had been dropped off out the front of our new property already… Meaning I had to go and bring it all inside by myself, and all my plans for the day were going straight out the window.

I started to get frustrated, but I actually managed to turn the situation into a positive, and I took a couple of lessons away from the day…

Click the video to find out what they were. (And to watch me move almost a tonne of flooring into our new space!)

I’m a firm believer that there is a lesson in everything that happens to us – “good” or “bad.” It’s upto us to find out what that lesson is!

P.S. Yes, we are moving, but it’s not too far from where we currently are! We are moving to 114 Harcourt St, New Farm, so just a short stroll up from our current space. I look forward to bringing you some photos when we move in!