MVP of the Week: Cathy Jeffries!
Congratulations to Cathy Jeffries, our MVP for last week!nCathy is currently in week 12 of her 12 Week Challenge – which in itself is a huge milestone to celebrate! Not everyone completes the full 12 weeks. In fact, in the past, we’ve seen many people begin the Challenge, only to give it all up just weeks after making the initial commitment. Life gets in the way – kids, family, work, etc, and their health and fitness goals are put on hold again. But Cathy has followed through and we couldn’t be more proud!nOver the last 12 weeks, Cathy has learnt: how to get the right type and amount of exercise how to make food work for her and literally double her results from exercise how to create metabolically precise meals to boost fat loss how to identify what’s been holding her back before how to seamlessly implement a better way of eating into her busy lifestyle! Plus lots of other cool things too 🙂 Cathy, you’ve done a wonderful job over the last 12 weeks! You’ve learnt so much and implemented it beautifully, and while it hasn’t always been easy, you’ve overcome every obstacle to reach the end of this particular journey. Although, it’s really just the beginning….nBring on your next 12 weeks! Congratulations! Our next Transformation Challenge is coming up next month and we are officially launching it on Wednesday 21st January at our Free Fat Loss Seminar! Join us for a 45 minute seminar, all about fat loss, and learn some simple steps you can implement straight away to boost your results! Book your spot today!