Congratulations to Jodi Romer, our award winner for this week! It’s so great to have Jodi back at the studio after a short time away due to an injury. It would have been very easy for Jodi to stay away from exercise for a while, but she did the necessary rehab in order to get back into it and has been smart about exercise selection since she has returned to training so that she doesn’t aggravate the injury further. That’s what I call commitment! Also, on Saturday we kicked off our 12 Week Challenge. It was a day full of new information, new ideas and the introduction of new habits – and Jodi has really set a great example by taking action straight away. No procrastination here!nCreating new habits and finding a “new normal” can be initially quite scary. However, Jodi has made it look easy! For example, planning and preparation is key to a successful transformation and in just a matter of days, Jodi has shown us how it should be done. We really wanted to acknowledge your awesome effort, Jodi, and we can’t wait to watch your success over the next 12 weeks and beyond! If you’d like to learn how to make food work for you, how to exercise for just the right amount to get results and how to reprogram the habits that are holding you back, learn more about our MP Challenge! Our next program launches in February next year, and you can register now to beat the price rise! Check it out here!