Congratulations to this week’s award winner, Maree Rolph! Maree achieved a massive goal on the weekend – she ran in the Gold Coast 10km event! She smashed her goal time by over 25 minutes and still looked fresh at the end of the run. Maree has been a regular at our Run Club sessions and her dedication has paid off. Something to note is that throughout the Run Club sessions that happen once a week, we focus on interval training – not distance training – to get the best results. Maree has become a master at sprint training, hill sprints and working to different intensity levels and her mental toughness has obviously developed at the same time! Well done, Maree! We are really proud of you and so excited that you were able to achieve such a great time on Saturday! On to the next goal 🙂 Ever wanted to run in an event like Maree but not sure where to start? You can get results like hers with our ICE Sessions! These sessions are specifically designed for fat loss and fitness, so you can get the most from your body and achieve what you want to achieve. Grab your 7 day pass here!