PB of the Week: Ness Harris
Congratulations to this week’s award winner, Ness Harris! Ness has once again conquered the City2Surf in Sydney on the weekend and absolutely obliterated her previous PB by almost 10 minutes! A huge effort Ness, well done! Ness has had some major challenges pop up this year in terms of illness and injury, but she didn’t let that get the better of her. By being super consistent with her FIRE training (weights) and committed to fuelling her body with great nutrition, she has given herself the best possible preparation, regardless of any obstacles that may have been in her way. She has continued to knock time off her training runs and we just knew that she would smash her goal in this latest event. Ness, you deserve all the success in the world and we are so incredibly proud of you! Keep up the awesome work with your running! Join Ness at her FIRE Training sessions and set yourself up for success – just like her! It’s our studio’s 4th Birthday this month and we want to give you the opportunity to try our FIRE Training and SAVE! Get 4 FIRE sessions for $44 (normally $239.90) – email Rachael@mpstudio.com.au to book one of the limited spots available.