Congratulations to our winner for this week, Suallyn Mitchelmore! Super Su has had an amazing week – on Saturday, she ran 20km!!! This is the furthest she has ever run, and it’s all part of her preparation for the upcoming Gold Coast Half Marathon. As well as being a regular participant in our ICE Sessions, Su has joined a running group to prepare for the half marathon next month. Combining the two exercise methods (ICE = fat loss and fitness, plus running = fitness and endurance) has proven to be very successful and we can’t wait to cheer her on at the event! If you are involved with our ICE Sessions, I’m sure you’ll agree that Su brings a fantastic energy to the sessions and they just wouldn’t be the same without her happy smile! Congratulations, Su! If you’d like to experience the support and community feel at our ICE Sessions, you can try us out for FREE for 7 days! Boost your fitness levels, burn fat fast and have a great time doing it… Grab your 7 Day FREE Pass here!