Recipe of the Week: Italian Tofu "Egg Cake"
Another great recipe that you can enjoy at any time of day!nEgg cake is basically a frittata. The word “frittata” comes from the Italian language and is roughly translated to egg cake. Frittata’s are quick to make, super versatile and handy to have available for meals throughout your week. We make a frittata every Sunday for Luke’s brekky all throughout the week. He just pops it in the microwave for a minute and a delicious, healthy brekky is ready to go. Click here for the full recipe – enjoy! Our Online Nutrition program delivers over 175 fast, delicious and nutritious recipes just like this one. Make food work for you and create your ideal body at the same time! You can save $300 on our Online Nutrition Program if you sign up before the end of June – get in quick!